Media monitoring for media companies
Publishing and media houses are subject to a high degree of competition on the advertising market. An important and frequently decisive competitive advantage here is reliable and comprehensive information about market development.
Only if you know your competitors you can recognise your chances of selling and create competitive advantages for yourself. Whether on TV, in print or online: In order to always be up to date, the data has to be cutting edge and smart and be available at all times. That´s exactly what AdVision can do digitally: Our service ranges from the customised selection of the relevant data sets down to the provision of individual analysis, exporting and reporting tools, to the direct integration into the desired CRM system.
Efficient competition analyses for the gross advertising market
Our spending data covers detailed market and competitor data for the advertising market. You will receive it either as an interactive and customisable web dashboard (AdVision Publisher Tool) or as an Excel analysis with an external connection to our data servers (AdVision OLAP Cube). Analyses of the gross advertising market according to various criteria are thus possible in a simple and efficient way.

Fast identification of selling opportunities
With the AdVision Publisher Tool and our classified data, we provide you with tools for the easy and automated identification in the traditional display and category advertising market. Numerous customisable and automatable alerts support sales organisation in identifying potentials.

Data for positioning and sales argumentation
With the EdiCon Tool, we provide you with up-to-date and standardised data for structuring the content of your own range in comparison to the competition. Positioning and environment argumentations are thus even easier. With our EdiMon, you have access to editorial mentions and their medial counter value. This enables a 360° presentation of the communicative advertising message of publishers.