Media monitoring for advertisers
Good communication is important and makes a significant contribution towards a company’s success. Corresponding efforts can, however, be very cost intensive. For this reason, it is often worthwhile to take a closer look at the marketing activities.
We offer you tools for controlling efficient communication and for monitoring competition – for traditional display advertising and for PR monitoring and employer branding.
Efficient communication controlling
We supply important automated data and facts about the development on the advertising market and on your PR presence. With our spending data, we facilitate simple share-of-voice analyses almost in real time. Individual alert functions ensure that you are up to date without a great amount of effort at all times.

Automated placement control
We scan and document the German advertising market more comprehensively than anyone else. In the process, every advertisement, every spot and every placement is documented and filed with the corresponding graphical material as well as the spending data. In addition, we document the position and time of appearance of all adverts and spots in the corresponding environmental area. Our AdZyklopädie facilitates a simple analysis of the data and quality control.

Competition monitoring
Always know what the competition is doing! With our creative and spending data, you can monitor competitive campaigns easily and quickly. With the credit data, you have an overview of competitors’ PR offensives. And all of this is largely automated using easy-to-use tools.