Digital receipt dispatch with the cooperation partners DAP Systems and OMEGA Software
So far, the agencies have booked advertisements with the publishers and received an analogue receipt from them that the booked advertisement had been printed. We are now making this process easier for you with a fully automated document dispatch. Especially in times of Corona, the digital mailing of receipts has gained in importance.
Together with the purchasing systems DAP-MediaLine (DAP Systems) and Advisor (Omega Software), AdVision has developed a digital receipt system that imports the print advertisements we have recorded directly into the software provider's purchasing system and automatically links them to the booking data.
The cost-intensive mailing of receipts on the publisher's side and the manual effort associated with leafing through the magazines on the agency side are thus completely eliminated.
The receipt is already available to the agencies on the EVT of the title in the software. Print titles that we do not currently have in the title portfolio can be recorded using ScanOnDemand.
Advantages for agencies:
- automated document query
- automatic delivery of the raw scan as a digital document
- easy integration into the agency's own dashboard systems
- space-saving document archiving
- homeoffice compatible

Advantages for publishers:
- Like TV, print can therefore be booked fully digitally from the agency's point of view
- significant cost savings and reduction of the ecological footprint
- comprehensive standardization of bookings
- TARGET / ACTUAL comparisons and deal management at the push of a button