Since founding the company in 1998, we have been dedicating ourselves with Hanseatic businessman spirit, passion, and responsibility to your customers’ goals. With that, the aspiration of always being innovative and creative goes hand in hand with the partners’ great readiness to invest. The underlying principle for our success is last but not least the loyal team spirit: Partners, managers and employees form an alliance in which constructive togetherness is an essential element of the corporate philosophy.
AdVision digital in the course of time
Foundation of AdFinder GmbH with a globally unique collection of more than two million advertisements from printed media.
Foundation of AdVision digital GmbH by Stefan Rögener (publisher of “Hamburger Satzspiegel”), Dr. Peter Karow (entrepreneur and software developer) and Karl-Ernst Gaertner (trained typesetter and photographer) as a partner company of AdFinder GmbH with the objective of offering a complementary digital product.
The AdZyklopädie as an encyclopaedia of the advertising industry with its advert themes serves as both a necessary tool and as an authority for campaigns, trends, and design.
The AdZyklopädie as an encyclopaedia of the advertising industry with its advert themes serves as both a necessary tool and as an authority for campaigns, trends, and design.
Framework agreement with the “Gesamtverband Werbeagenturen” (GWA), which represents the interests of German communication and advertising agencies.
Takeover of sales management in the field of communication and advertising agencies by Denis Sandberg
Takeover of sales management in the field of communication and advertising agencies by Denis Sandberg
Expansion and increase in the sales team by Carsten Koster as Key Account Manager in the key account sector
Denis Sandberg and Carsten Koster are appointed to the company’s management board. At the same time, both participate as partners in AdVision digital GmbH and also found AdVision Infomanagement & Consulting GmbH and AVM AV-Medienbeobachtung GmbH as strategic partner companies.
True to the claim “advertising is cultural goods”: Takeover of the TV spot archive of Cut & Copy with 100.000 historical spots from the years 1960 to 2000 of TV advertising
Access to 17,000 placard themes from the years 2000-2006 as well as from 2007 onwards, continuously more than 10,000 placard themes per year thanks to a cooperation with Ströer Out of Home Medien
After increased investment in the further development of their collection and database technology, AdVision digital GmbH raises the bar with a “new” AdZyklopädie and taps new target groups in the long term by, among others, collecting supplements and special advertising formats – especially in the advertising industry – in the long term.
Development of the analysis software for the AdImpact Monitor for the proof of the performance profile of advertisement themes in cooperation with the “Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger” (VDZ)
The number of the digitally available advertising themes of the AdZyklopädie breaks the 3 million themes mark in September!
Expansion of media collection: The up-to-date analysis for magazines increases to 1,000 titles, for TV to 32 stations. In addition, marketers start cooperations in the field of Out of Home Channel, Infoscreen and Airport-Media.
Systematic competition monitoring of specific industries: More than 100 trade journals in more than 15 markets in the automobile industry, more than 300 additional pharma journals (market coverage of 98%)
Successful launch of the project Editorial Mentioning for magazines, whereby the publisher customer can be shown the number of advert bookings in correlation to editorial reporting for the first time.
Launch of marketing the publisher tools as well as establishing the area vacancies for daily newspapers and online job portals incl. customised reporting services.
Successful launch of the project Editorial Mentioning for magazines, whereby the publisher customer can be shown the number of advert bookings in correlation to editorial reporting for the first time.
Launch of marketing the publisher tools as well as establishing the area vacancies for daily newspapers and online job portals incl. customised reporting services.
The number of advertising themes reaches a new all-time high with more than 800,000 themes per year.
Development of the OLAP Cube, the multidimensional BI analysis tool for the analysis of advertising efforts and customer potentials
In the meantime, a 58-man team secures the analysis of 2.2 million advertising themes per year. In comparison to 2015, that is an increase of almost 300%, whereby AdVision rises far above the competition and provides their customers with the most comprehensive database on the market.
Development of a new media structure in order to be able to depict the apparent changes in the advertising market, especially in the Out of Home field, in a purposeful way even in the future.

Addition of 30 more Austrian tv channels and 70 more Austrian consumer magazines

Addition of 25 UK tv channels
We still have a lot to do and a lot planned! Stay tuned …